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Research breakthrough

Baricitinib delays the progression of type 1 diabetes

In a world-first, ATIC researchers lead by Professor’s Thomas Kay and Helen Thomas have shown that baricitinib, an immunotherapy treatment commonly used in rheumatoid arthritis, can delay the progression of type 1 diabetes and preserve the body’s ability to make its own insulin.

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Our domains

What does ATIC do?

ATIC is working across six distinct interconnected Domains to ensure maximum impact and fulfil our bold vision.
Current trials

T1D RELAY - Rituximab-pvvr and Abatacept Newly Diagnosed Study

ATIC is conducting the TrialNet lead T1D RELAY trial in Melbourne at The Royal Melbourne Hospital. T1D RELAY is available for people ages 8-45 years who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in the last three months.

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News & Events

News Publications

Care pathways for people with early-stage type 1 diabetes in Australia

July 2024

A group of ATIC clinician-researchers with support from JDRFA have published the Australian guidelines “Care pathways for people with early-stage type 1 diabetes in Australia”, concurrently with the publication of international consensus guidelines.


Making a National Screening Program for Type 1 Diabetes a Reality in Australia: Progress and Plans

July 2024

Seminar 18, Beyond Insulin Seminar Series – Dr Kirstine Bell presents ‘Making a National Screening Program for Type 1 Diabetes a Reality in Australia: Progress and Plans’


Clinical translation of antigen-specific immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes – from discovery to clinical trials

June 2024

Seminar 17, Beyond Insulin Seminar Series – Professor Ranjeny Thomas talk about ‘clinical translation of antigen-specific immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes’.


Measuring what matters: psychosocial and behavioural outcomes in T1D trials

May 2024

Seminar 16, Beyond Insulin Seminar Series – Dr Elizabeth Holmes-Truscott present ‘Measuring what matters: the assessment of psychosocial and behavioural outcomes in type 1 diabetes trials’.


We partner with global leaders in our field

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Coordinating Centre