Clinical trials are the only way to generate the evidence needed to bring new immunotherapy treatments into the care of people living with type 1 diabetes.
Participation in a clinical trial provides the opportunity to access promising new treatments and to be cared for by a highly motivated team of specialists. Connection with the clinical trial community also enables you to receive early notice of new therapeutic developments and new clinical trials.
You can also benefit from the knowledge that your effort in participating in a clinical trial will help others affected by type 1 diabetes, both now and into the future.
MT-101-101 trial for type 1 diabetes
Who can get involved in Australia currently:
- People aged between 18 and 45 years
- Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
- Currently using insulin (via injections or by pump)
- Living in Victoria or NSW
Treatment: People with type 1 diabetes will receive up to three doses of the trial medication through a vein in their arm at 29-day intervals. One dose will be a placebo (a dummy medication), and up to two doses will be the trial medication.
Study visits: The study will involve 15-18 visits to the clinic over 6 months. The first (screening) visit will take up to 2 hours and involve a physical examination and blood tests to assess eligibility. If eligible, participants will be asked to return to the clinic within 60 days to have a meal test and receive the first dose of study medication. This visit will last around 8 hours. It is followed by 3 short visits over the next 3 weeks for further blood samples and health checks. Participants receive additional doses of study medication at month 1 and potentially month 2 of the study and then enter a follow-up phase that includes meal tests at months 3 and 6 and additional visits for blood samples and health checks.
Risks: The trial medication has never been tested in people with type 1 diabetes but was tolerated by 24 people without type 1 diabetes who received it in 2024. Comprehensive safety data for the new medication in humans is not yet available, and there is a chance that unexpected, serious, or life-threatening side effects could occur. The study team will closely monitor participants and provide treatment if any adverse effects occur.
Benefits: Participants in this study will not receive any direct benefits. However, their involvement will contribute valuable scientific knowledge that may lead to new treatments for type 1 diabetes. The findings from this study could benefit others in the future. Participants in this trial will be compensated for their travel.
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What are the phases of clinical trials?
Key Requirements
Location: Living in Victoria or NSWAge: 18 - 45 years
Residual C-peptide (a measure of insulin production) and currently using insulin (via injections or by pump)
JAKPOT T1D – JAK inhibitors to preserve C-peptide production in new onset type 1 diabetes
Who can get involved in Australia currently:
- Aged between 12 and 35 years
- Type 1 diabetes diagnosed within the last 100 days
- Body weight above 35kg
Treatment: There are three treatment groups in this trial and all participants will take a daily tablet for 12 months. One group will receive abrocitinib tablets, one will receive ritlecitanib tablets and one will receive placebo tablets. Participants will be randomly selected to one of the three groups. Neither the researchers or the participant will know which group has been allocated until the end of the trial. The placebo group is essential to help researchers be sure that any effects that happen are caused by the active treatment (abrocitinib or ritlecitinib) and not by something else.
Study visits: Participants will be required to attend 9 visits at a participating clinical centre over a two-year period. Seven visits will occur during the first year during the ‘treatment’ phase, and a further two visits the following year during the ‘monitoring’ phase of the trial. The first visit, called the ‘screening’ visit will take up to six hours, along with three of the subsequent visits over the two year trial. The remaining visits will take 1-4 hours, with a fasting mixed-meal tolerance test (MMTT) at some visits.
Benefits: Two in every three participants in this trial will receive active treatment, either abrocitinib or ritlecitanib. Current evidence suggests that these two medications can help suppress the immune attack that causes type 1 diabetes and help the body continue to produce its own insulin. In addition to potential positive effects of treatment, participants will be closely monitored and blood glucose levels managed intensively. This may reduce the risk of long-term complications of type 1 diabetes, as well as helping remaining beta cells in the pancreas to continue making insulin on their own.
Related Information
Key Requirements
Location: Melbourne, Brisbane, PerthAge: 12 - 35 years
Within 100 days of diagnosis with type 1 diabetes
ASITI-201 Study
The ASITI-201 trial aims to find out if whether this medication is safe, whether it works the same way in humans as it did in pre-clinical trials and whether a single dose or multiple doses are required for it to be effective.
The study will be conducted in two parts (Part A and Part B). The first part of the study (Part A) has now commenced recruitment. The following details relate to Part A.
Who can get involved in Australia currently:
- People aged between 18 and 55 years
- Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes within the last 5 years
- Living in Queensland
Treatment: Participants will be randomly selected to receive either trial treatment OR placebo. Two in every three participants will receive the trial treatment, while one in three will receive placebo. The treatment will be given as a single injection into the upper arm just under the skin, just like an insulin injection.
Study visits: Study activities are undertaken in person at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane. Participants will be required to attend four study visits at the trial centre lasting approximately 1.5 hours, and a single baseline visit lasting approximately 6 hours. Funding may be available for participants in Queensland to travel to clinic visits.
Benefits: If this trial is successful, ASITI-201 will move to the next stage (Part B). This would bring us closer to a breakthrough treatment that could slow down the progression of type 1 diabetes. In future this new drug could potentially help people make their own insulin for longer, delaying or even preventing the need for injected insulin.
Please contact the ASITI-201 Study research team via email [email protected] for further eligibility requirements and to enquire about participating in this trial.
Key Requirements
Location: BrisbaneAge: 18 - 55 years
Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in the last 5 years
Type1Screen – Screening for type 1 diabetes
Those with a positive antibody test can also participate in clinical trials aimed at delaying the onset of symptomatic type 1 diabetes. Relatives of people with type 1 diabetes aged between 2 and 30, living in Australia and New Zealand can register for a blood test.
Related Information
Key Requirements
Location: Australia and New ZealandAge: Over 2 years of age
Participants must have a relative with type 1 diabetes
SAB-142-101 – Assessing the Safety and Tolerability of SAB-142 in type 1 diabetes
Who can get involved in Australia currently:
- People aged between 18 and 45 years
- Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes within the last 5 years
- Living in Victoria
Treatment: Participants in this trial will be randomly selected to receive either study treatment or placebo, (which is a comparison treatment that looks the same but has no medication). The treatment will be given intravenously (via vein in the arm), as a single dose given over 2 days.
Study visits: At the beginning of the trial, participants are required to stay in the trial centre in Bayswater for a 7-night/8-day period. Following the initial stay, participants will attend the trial centre for six visits over four months.
Risks: The trial treatment is an innovative therapy entering its first human trials. While the trial team anticipate a favourable safety profile based on extensive preclinical studies, as with all new treatments, unforeseen effects are always possible. Participants will be monitored closely by medical professionals within the clinical trial unit and treated immediately if they occur.
Benefits: If you agree to take part in this study, there will be no direct benefit to you. However, your participation in this study may help researchers gain important scientific knowledge that could contribute to the development of a new treatment for type 1 diabetes. We hope the information learned from this study will benefit patients with type 1 diabetes in the future. All participants will be compensated for their time.
Related Information
What are the phases of clinical trials?
Key Requirements
Location: MelbourneAge: 18 - 45 years
Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes within the last five years
T1D RELAY – Rituximab-pvvr and Abatacept Newly Diagnosed Study
Who can get involved in Australia currently:
- Aged between 18 and 45 years
- Evidence of insulin production, determined by: one or more diabetes-related antibodies and detectable c-peptide during a mixed-meal tolerance test (MMTT)
- Up to date with immunisation schedule including COVID-19 and flu boosters
Treatment: Participants in this study will receive weekly rituximab-pvvr by intravenous infusion (into a vein in the arm) for four weeks. Participants will then receive weekly injections of abatacept OR placebo (inactive equivalent). Two in every three participants will receive active treatment (abatacept), while one in three will receive placebo.
Study visits: Participants will be required to attend 16 visits at a participating clinical centre over a two-year treatment period and a further five visits over a two year follow up period after the treatment. The first four visits for the rituximab-pvvr infusion will take up to 8 hours. The remaining visits will vary in duration from 1-4 hours with a MMTT at some visits.
Benefits: All participants in this study will receive active treatment in the form of rituximab-pvvr. Two in every three participants will then receive a second active treatment called abatacept. In addition to the potential for these study medications to delay the progression of type 1 diabetes, participants will be closely monitored and blood glucose levels managed intensively. This may reduce the risk of long-term complications of type 1 diabetes, as well as helping remaining beta cells in the pancreas to continue making insulin on their own.
Related Information
Key Requirements
Location: Melbourne, BrisbaneAge: 18 - 45 years (Mel), 8 - 18 years (Bris)
Within three months of diagnosis with type 1 diabetes
STOP-T1D – ATG Prevention Study
Who can get involved in Australia currently:
- Aged between 18 and 35 years
- Be at high risk of progressing to stage 3 type 1 diabetes, determined by a positive screening blood test for antibodies and slightly elevated glucose
- Up to date with immunisation schedule, including COVID-19 and flu boosters
Treatment: The study medication in this trial is given by intravenous infusion (through a vein in the arm) on two consecutive days. For every three participants, two will receive ATG and one will receive placebo.
Study visits: The two treatment visits will take 6 to 10 hours for the infusion and a further 2 hours for monitoring (8-12 hours in total). Participants will visit the trial site two weeks after the second treatment, then every three to six months for one year. Participants will continue to visit the trial site for monitoring twice a year for up to four years following treatment.
Benefits of participation: In addition to potentially delaying or preventing progression of type 1 diabetes, benefits to participating in the study include close monitoring and follow up by the research team. If you progress to stage 3 type 1 diabetes, the study blood tests will likely show this before any symptoms appear. Early diagnosis and commencement of insulin treatment largely eliminates the risk of a serious condition called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
Related Information
Key Requirements
Location: MelbourneAge: 18-35
Stage 2 type 1 diabetes: Two or more diabetes related antibodies and blood glucose levels outside of range.
IAA trial – Abatacept combined with nasal insulin in recently-diagnosed type 1 diabetes
Nasal insulin has also been previously tested by researchers in Melbourne. It is administered as a nasal spray, and is known to dampen the immune attack observed in type 1 diabetes (link to publication below). Combining both therapies could be more effective than either treatment alone and, if effective, could delay the need for insulin injections.
Approximately 60 participants will receive abatacept in combination with either nasal insulin or placebo over a 48-week period. Participants will be required to attend their local trial centre 16 times over two years. Five of these are extended visits lasting 3-4 hours, however the majority of visits will take less than one hour.
Related Information
TrialNet Abatacept publication
INITI - Nasal insulin publication
Key Requirements
Location: Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth and SydneyAge: 6 - 21 years
Within 100 days of diagnosis with type 1 diabetes
IMPACT – IMCY-0098 Proof of Action in Type 1 Diabetes
Related Information
Key Requirements
Location: Melbourne, Brisbane and SydneyAge: 18 – 45 years
Within 9 weeks of diagnosis with type 1 diabetes
BANDIT – Baricitinib in New Onset Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Baricitinib was found to help people with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes continue to produce insulin for longer. A once-daily tablet of baricitinib, over a 48-week period preserved beta cell function and reduced the need for insulin in those who had been diagnosed within the past 100 days.
Related Information
ATIC position statement: Baricitinib use to treat type 1 diabetes
Key Requirements
Location: Victoria and South AustraliaAge: 10 – 30 years
Within 100 days of diagnosis with type 1 diabetes
Page last updated: 18 September 2024